
Finding the Right Outsourced CX Partner

To paraphrase Mahatma Gandhi, “a customer is the most important visitor on our premises. He is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him.” But what happens when you outsource parts of your customer service experience and the customer is no longer “on your premises”? Trusting a business process outsourcing business (BPO) with your customers can be risky business, so it’s important to find the right partner.
Here are some tips on what to look for when procuring a customer service-outsourcing expert.


What are their operational credentials?

When selecting an outsourced partner, consider their operational track record and the impact this will have on the customer experience strategy. The Digicall Group has over 16-years experience in serving leading brands in the customer experience design field and has over 2 000 dedicated employees from the UK, Australia and South Africa trained to deliver on your brand’s requirements.


What technology do they use?

A reputable partner will always invest in the most up-to-date technologies to give your customers a seamless brand encounter using multiple channels with a focus on automation, when and where it matters. Digicall offers state-of-the-art CRM and CX survey, design and implementation technologies that ensure instant-contact and meaningful insight driven retention strategies to grow your bottom-line.


Can they handle niched business requirements?

Any CX BPO worth their salt offers data capturing and consumer care channels such as contact centres. But, is this all your company needs? Digicall’s “Power of One” philosophy mandates that they deliver their clients a full-service, multi-faceted offering. These offerings include niched products like corporate incident and insurance claims management as well as specialised contact centre lines such as whistleblowing and fraud reporting channels.


Are they flexible?

We all know that it isn’t business as usual nowadays and your CX BPO should be flexible and agile to develop a solution that can serve your business’ unique operation requirements. When hunting for the right partner, it’s key to get an understanding of their capabilities to serve your business and deliver on your KPI’s. Businesses like Digicall, take great pride in adapting to international best practice and old-fashioned customer service values to modern business landscapes that speak directly to your customer’s needs.


Finding the right customer service experience BPO shouldn’t be a chore.

To find out how Digicall can make it easy to outsource your company’s customer service, click here for more information.